Thursday, February 10, 2011

Charlie Sheen Offers to Help Pay 'Two and a Half Men' Crew

Charlie Sheen Offers to Help Pay 'Two and a Half Men' Crew

Charlie Sheen may have given the Two and a Half Men crew some unexpected time off by halting the show's production, but the actor is willing to help cover the cost for the time they've been out of work. According to TMZ, Sheen has offered to pay one-third of the crew members' salaries for any time missed during the show's Sheen-induced hiatus... if Warner Bros. and CBS each pay one-third of the salaries as well.

After his alleged 36-hour cocaine-fueled bender, Sheen was hospitalized but then refused to enter rehab. Instead, the 45-year-old sitcom star is rehabbing from home. While Sheen is reportedly planning to return to work sometime in February, the show hiatus he's caused could cost the network millions in lost advertising if the episodes they're supposed to be filming now aren't made up. The show's break is also a tough financial hit to the 300 freelance crewmembers who are uncompensated for their time off, and unlike Sheen, haven't been earning a whopping $1.8 million an episode all season long.

According to Entertainment Weekly, execs at CBS and Warner Bros. haven't commented on whether or not they'd pay their portion of the crew's missed wages. One Warner Bros. rep did have this to say about Sheen, however: "We sincerely hope that Charlie’s rehab is going well. We hope that he is healthy in the very near future and we look forward to the return of production of Two and a Half Men."

On behalf of freelancers everywhere, we appreciate Sheen's willingness to cough up some of the cost for the work the crew is missing out on while he’s trying to get sober. Let’s hope the network execs follow suit and fork over the cash. If they can afford Sheen’s seven-figure salary, they can surely afford to pay the folks who pour their blood, sweat and tears into Two and a Half Men without the spoils of seeing themselves on TV!

In the meantime, Sheen is using the time off from work to do more than just get sober; he's also wrapping up his divorce from wife Brooke Mueller. According to TMZ, the pair filed final divorce papers today in L.A. and should be legally single on May 2. The divorce documents state that the pair will have joint custody of their 2-year-old twins, Bob and Max, with Mueller having primary physical custody. In addition, Sheen will pay Mueller $55,000 a month in child support, as well as $1 million for her share of their home (which Charlie gets to keep) and a generous lump-sum parting gift of $757,698.70. With all the money Sheen is doling out these days, he's practically a bank.

Do you think Sheen's offer to cover one-third of the Men crew's salaries in generous, or not generous enough? Chime in below!


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