Friday, August 16, 2013

NOT SO FUNNY: Russell Simmons RESPONDS To Def Jam "Harriet Tubman Sex Tape" Parody, But Was That Enough?

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In case you missed it, a controversial "Harriet Tubman" sex tape parody was uploaded to the All Def Digital Digital YOUTUBE Channel--which is headed up by Russell Simmons--and now Mr. Simmons is responding to the controversy.  See what he said and watch the clip inside.

"Black" social media set off a storm in popping off on Russell Simmons via Twitter and other means this week after a controversial parody of a Harriet Tubman sex tape appeared on a YOUTUBE channel headed up by Russ' Def Digital group.  Amid the controversy, the video was yanked by Russ from the site and he responded with an unapologetic statement:

"In the whole history of Def Comedy Jam, I've never taken down a controversial comedian.  When my buddies from the NAACP called and asked me to take down the Harriet Tubman video from the All Def Digital YouTube channel and apologize, I agreed.

"I'm a very liberal person with thick skin. My first impression of the Harriet Tubman piece was that it was about what one of actors said in the video, that 162 years later, there's still tremendous injustice. And with Harriet Tubman outwitting the slave master? I thought it was politically correct. Silly me. I can now understand why so many people are upset. I have taken down the video. Lastly, I would never condone violence against women in any form, and for all of those I offended, I am sincerely sorry."


Ummmm.....was this an apology?  It almost seems like Russell thought the video was funny....but he understands why you might be mad.  So therefore, he did folks a favor by removing it.  One has to wonder why anyone--especially pro-anything that belittles women or any race Russell Simmons like he portrays himself--thought this was funny.

We're still seeing top editors and prominent writers in the black community going off about Russell's handling of the situation.  

EBONY mag's Digital News+Life Editor, Jamilah Lemieux, tweeted:

Video is down but this isn't over....

There is actually a Colored fella on here talking about how critiquing Russell for that video is an "assault" on his legacy. Going to bed....

It's taking everything in me not to call this essay "Harriet Tubman Should Have Left Your Great Great Great Grandfather on the Plantation"

And author Dream Hampton said, before breaking down what the anatomy of an apology actually is:

It's important that apologies really mean something. It is an opportunity for the offender to be transformed.

Uncle Rush also tweeted,

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And this morning, Russell's brother Danny said via hs FB page that the "apology" should be enough, because human beings make mistakes:

My last word on the Harriet Tubmam video that was on Russ new all def digital. My brother has pulled the video and made an apology. With that said Russell has made many many positive contributions to culture and the struggle of poor and black people worldwide. This video was a mistake but what also bothers me is how many people were quickly eager to denigrate and ridicule him. Instead of pointing out the error many rushed to belittle him. He is a human and humans do make mistakes. If they are big enough to admit them they make corrections. ..he did. We are close and I love him so please dont expect me to have negative things to say about my brother...I for one know how many people he helps daily both privately and publicly. I know how he gives of himself and his wealth.

Thank u Russ for taking this down and continuing to fight for the betterment of poor and oppressed people everywhere. Love u dude.

We managed to find the now "pulled" clip.


After watching the video, are you okay with Russell's statement?  Speak on it....


Summer Altice Summer Glau Sunny Mabrey Susan Ward Susie Castillo

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